Sessions, Matches, and Games
Scoring and Handicaps
Hello, and welcome to the Alpha Pool League.
This league was established to provide a fun, relaxed environment where people can come together to enjoy a few games of billiards while participating in a friendly competition.
Unlike leagues based on team play, Alpha Pool League is based entirely on individual play. This concept is quite different from traditional leagues, and with good reason. Team play often requires one or more players to sit out, match after match, while other team members compete. In the Alpha Pool League, you don’t "sit out".
Alpha Pool League recognizes the diversity of skill levels among players. Whether you are highly skilled or playing for the first time, our handicapping system is intended to give everyone a fighting chance.
This league was formed in the spirit of fairness. We don’t want to penalize the good players nor give the lesser players an excessive advantage. If you see an area that you feel we could improve upon, please bring it to our attention.
Alpha Pool League allows local coordinators to be flexible in regards to the length of sessions, match fees, handicapping, and whether or not payouts are awarded. We provide recommended guidelines for these, but it is up to the local coordinators to decide how they wish to run their own league.
Sessions, Matches, and Games
Each session generally consists of 15 matches and runs approximately 15 weeks. The weeks may or may not be consecutive, as consideration will be given to holidays and other special events.
Matches are typically played on the same night of each week. Each player will compete in a total of five games for each match with the potential for one player to have a Bye game.
Optionally, individual leagues may choose to conduct a tournament at the conclusion of a session.
Scoring and Handicaps
For each game, the winning player will receive a score of 10, plus the number of the opponent’s balls left on the table. The losing player will receive one point for each ball that they successfully pocketed.
Final points will be adjusted based on the players’ handicaps. The lower handicapped player will receive bonus points equal to the difference in handicaps. For example, if a 10-handicap plays a 7-handicap, the player with the 7 handicap will receive 3 additional bonus points. More details are available in the Rules of Play.
Handicaps are either assigned by the local coordinator or automatically calculated by the league software. For software calculations, each player’s handicap will be the average score per game for the last 35 games. Points not included in this calculation are:
Detailed Rules of Play are provided in separate document and available on this website. We adhere to standard ball-in-hand rules.
League payouts are optional and are the responsibility of the local coordinator. The Payout Schedule and its’ eligibility requirements should be outlined by the local coordinator prior to the beginning of a session and may differ from what is outlined here.
If payouts are provided for each and every eligible player, the Payout Schedule may not be determined until the end of the session, when the total number of eligible players is known.
Payouts are typically made on a percentage basis, with the first place player receiving the most and the last place player receiving the least.
To be eligible for a payout, a player must participate in at least ten (10) of the fifteen (15) matches. Each player’s top-12 Match scores will be used to determine their total points for the Session. This means a player may miss up to three (3) nights of play without penalty.
Whether you are considering hosting a new league at your establishment, coordinating a league, or simply looking to play; we hope you enjoy Alpha Pool League! If you have any questions, please