This fee structure is very flexible and can be modified to accommodate your league’s particular goals.
A Session Fee of $5 is assessed for each player participating in the league. This is a one-time fee, each session, and is due prior to any player participating. Session fees are paid to Alpha Pool League and contribute towards the support of the league’s software, website, and business expenses.
Match fees are determined by the local coordinator and/or host establishment. Match fees are due prior to the beginning of each match and must be paid by each participating player.
A typical Match Fee might be $7, with $5 going towards end of session Player Payouts, and the remaining $2 going to the coordinator for their efforts in managing the league.
For charitable organizations: the entire match fee, or a portion of it, may be contributed to the organization’s cause.
Again, this fee structure is very flexible and can be modified to accommodate your organization’s particular goals.
Payout Schedules are determined by your League Coordinator.
If you still have questions, please feel free to .