Find out how exciting league pool play can be. Alpha Pool League presents an entirely new concept in league pool play. You play as an individual and not as a member of a team. You test your skill against the crowd each week. You don’t carry anyone, and no one carries you. Prove yourself!
Win money! What better way to assess your skill level than to count your winnings at the end of a session? Payouts are based on the sum of fees collected each session, typically 15 weeks. The more players in your league the better your payout, so bring your friends and increase your earnings!
Everyone has a chance to win. Our handicapping system gives a fair and equal opportunity to everyone in every game regardless of skill level. Lower handicapped players are given extra points in games against better players. Each player has a net equal scoring opportunity. This is a sandbag proof handicapping system where better players cannot throw games early and expect to be awarded later. Every ball scored counts!
If you don’t find an ALPHA POOL LEAGUE in your area, consider starting a league of your own. Operate your league as an individual or with a group of friends. Talk to your friends and find a place you can play. Let’s play pool!